Wednesday 4 December 2013

Review X2 Bio Premium Quality Lense


Hey. how are you all doing? Today I'm going to review another contact lense brought to you by X2. I know, I know. I bought X2 contact lenses wayy too much. Ahahaha. But what can I say? It's affordable and comfortable enough for my eyes. There was a time where I got myself an eye irratation on which I couldn't wear any contact lenses at all. Let alone X2' products. I have tried the glorious Acuvue lenses and it still bring the irritation back.

The morale of the story? Make sure to clean your contacts diligently and throughly every single night. Back then I was too lazy to clean my lenses after I used them. I always feel beat up whenever came back home and simply remove the contacts and put it into its container without rinsing it at all. I clean it when I want to use it the next day. I also not always clean and change the water in the container. And.. that's where the bacteria came and irritated my eyes.

Luckily as the time passed by the irritation were cured and I could use my contact again. I hate wearing eyeglasses. And I couldn't see anything without any help. If you really want to use contact lenses, make sure you are diligent enough to keep up with the maintenance. Well, what can I say. Beauty comes with a price ahahaha.

Diameter : 14.50 mm
Water Levels : 45 %
Expiry : 6 months


Front Side


I should say that the packaging pretty much gives off a really expensive vibes, right? I kinda excited when I received it and wonder why it was so big. Then the shop assistant said the container was included inside the package which makes me even more excited to open it. But well, I kinda disappointed when I see the container is just the common one. Duh.


As usual, I got mine in the color of black. Well, what can I say? Black is such a happy color! Ahaha. Though it is not that clear, the motif is basically a simple gradient in which it gradually fades it a black color. To be honest, I'm not that care about contact lenses motif because I always choose it as black. I also have a dark eye color (dark brown to be exact) so the motif (whatever it is) will never show.


Ugh sorry for the bad quality picture.

This contact lenses is so freaking comfortable for me! After months using circle lenses every single day, I find this lenses is really comfortable. I feel like I'm not using contact lenses at all! Ahaha. Back then, I usually only wear contact whenever I'm going out. When I was doing nothing in my home, I'll just wear my glasses because I'm just too lazy to wear the contacts. The thoughts of using it while I want to lazying around in the house is not the greatest comfort.

But since I got this contact lenses, I've been using this every single day. When I wake up, I'll take a bath, pop this lenses in then just do whatever I should do. I wear the lense through out the day. Usually when I take a bath, I'll remove the lenses then wear it again when I finished take a bath which take so much effort. When I use this contact, I wear it until the time I wwant to go to sleep (which is always past the midnight). Yes, it was that comfortable (for me at least) ahahah.

Absolutely! What could I say about the lenses which I use daily? Ahaha.

à bientôt!

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