Tuesday 31 December 2013

Most Favourite Beauty Products for 2013

Bonjour tout le monde!

Today is the last day of 2013. Time flies so fast, we even haven't grasp this year yet. Nevertheless, 2013 is a year full of lesson. Without everything we have gone through this year, we wouldn't be standing in this point of our life.

On the even brighter side, we sum up our most favourite products for 2013!

Friday 27 December 2013

Review Kosé Sekkisei White BB Cream


Hey everyone! How are you all doing? The blog has been quiet inactive lately. I can’t seem to stop saying sorry about it. I kind of get involve in university organizations and it takes nearly half of my free time. The other half is reserved for doing projects and stuffs. So basically, I kinda abandon this blog *again* a little bit.
But worry not, fellow reader! I’m back with another review. Today I’ll be reviewing about KOSE White BB Cream. I’ve been using this product a lot lately.

Tuesday 24 December 2013

Review Kosé Sekkisei Sun Protect Gel


Hey how are you all doing? Today I'm going to share about the sunscreen which I use daily.

Friday 20 December 2013

Keeping Up with: My Lovely Sister

Bonjour tout le monde!

Today, we will introduce you to Indonesian beauty blogger, Ai Ni and Eve from My Lovely Sister. They have a really nice and full of information blog. They post a really detail review of products. Not only that, they even shares their technique to take their beautiful photos which is really great!

So without further ado, here's Ai Ni and Eve from My Lovely Sister!


1. Tell us about yourself.
We are sisters who love to enjoy our everyday life and love to share it with other people :D

2. How did you get started on blogging and why?
We started blogging just for fun and wants to inspire our Indonesian reader to love themselves and enjoy their life. We believe a good blogger will inspire others and make differences in other people life.

3. What is your blog about?
100% About us. From beauty, fashion, food, Jesus, personal story, and lifestyle!

4. Who is your beauty inspiration?
Mom! Our Mom always supports and inspires us in whatever we do. She's a very ordinary women with an extraordinary beautiful heart XD. And that beautiful heart is the one that always inspires us. We believe beauty always from inside :)

5. What was your first beauty product obsession?
Our mom's lipstick :P. She was so angry that we played around with her expensive lipstick and make it  broken when we were children.

6. Aside from blogging, what are you currently busy and working at?
We currently have an online shop at Mylovelysister.com :)

7.  Have you ever got harsh comment and how do you deal with it?
Yes. Sometimes. We have a super busy life LOL and currently don't have time to be bothered by negative and harsh comments. Never let negative comments and judgments waste your time.
Just let it go. Move on :D

8. Describe yourself in one word. 
Ai Ni : Playful
Eve : Bubbly

Thank you for sharing with us. We hope both of you will still share your kindness through the blog.

à bientôt!

Tuesday 17 December 2013

Review Revlon Eyebrow Pencil


Hey how are you all doing? I've a pretty thin and sad eyebrow. Usually I just let it the way they are. I always know that eyebrow plays a really big role in your overall make-up. But well, I kinda couldn't draw them ahahha. Well things must be change. So I purchase the product (for photoshoot purpose actually). After using it several time, I guess this is finally time for reviewing it!

Friday 13 December 2013

Review Chanel Illusion d’Ombre Long-Wear Luminous Eyeshadows in Epatant


Hey how are you all doing? Apparently, I had this eyeshadow for two years. It's a shimmer eyeshadow which will be great if you put on eyeshadow base first. Mine is in this gorgeous Epatant color.

Monday 9 December 2013

Review Tony Moly Perfect Eyes Eyeliner


Hey! How are you all doing? Today I'll review about another Tony Moly product which is its Perfect Eyes Eyeliner. This is my second time buying it. And noooo, not because I was so impressed I bought it for the second time. It's because I lost it approximately three days after I bought it. Yay for my clumsiness! I was so depressed because I only got three chances to use it but last week when I was window shopping with my friend, I happened to encounter buy 2 for 1 price sale at Tony Moly! I frantically grab the eyeliner and ran straight to the cashier! Haha!

Wednesday 4 December 2013

Review X2 Bio Premium Quality Lense


Hey. how are you all doing? Today I'm going to review another contact lense brought to you by X2. I know, I know. I bought X2 contact lenses wayy too much. Ahahaha. But what can I say? It's affordable and comfortable enough for my eyes. There was a time where I got myself an eye irratation on which I couldn't wear any contact lenses at all. Let alone X2' products. I have tried the glorious Acuvue lenses and it still bring the irritation back.

The morale of the story? Make sure to clean your contacts diligently and throughly every single night. Back then I was too lazy to clean my lenses after I used them. I always feel beat up whenever came back home and simply remove the contacts and put it into its container without rinsing it at all. I clean it when I want to use it the next day. I also not always clean and change the water in the container. And.. that's where the bacteria came and irritated my eyes.

Luckily as the time passed by the irritation were cured and I could use my contact again. I hate wearing eyeglasses. And I couldn't see anything without any help. If you really want to use contact lenses, make sure you are diligent enough to keep up with the maintenance. Well, what can I say. Beauty comes with a price ahahaha.

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